Am I a runner who writes or a writer who runs?

Running releases those feel-good hormones called endorphins. That can lead to elevated creativity, too! And being physically tired can make it easier to relax in front of a computer for a few hours.

Or...just curl up with a good book.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Info bites about Jakob Nielsen and W3C for Assignment #2

Jakob Nielsen is a leading web usability consultant. He has published several books about web design, owns 79 US patents (mostly to do with ways to make the Web easier to use) and co-founded usability consulting company Nielsen Norman Group with Donald Norman.
According to Nielsen, there are five quality components of usability goals: Learnability, Efficiency, Memorability, Errors (the fewer the better) and Satisfaction.

Nielson has been criticized for not considering the visual aspect of the user's experience. He offers explanations for his minimal use of visual elements on his website. Nielsen's website has a biography page that includes a list of names given to him by the media and even links to parodies of him. Another article that could be helpful for a PRFU 2340 class assignment is his 10 Best Intranets of 2011.

Nielsen writes about "heuristic evaluation"--a quick, cheap and easy evaluation of user interface design. It is the most popular usability inspection method. "Heuristics "are recognized usability principles. See Nielsen's Top Ten Usability Heuristics here.

W3C stands for World Wide Web Consortium. This group has developed a markup validation service for web pages. The markup validator allows a web page author to check documents written in computer languages like HTML, XHTML, MathML and CSS to see if their syntax is correct. In other words, is the document following the rules for the computer language it's written in?

The validator looks for handcoding errors--some common ones would be missing opening or closing tags or missing quotation marks. The validator produces a list of errors.

The markup validator is a free tool and service. One simple way to use it is to paste a web page address into the text area on the validator's home page and press the "Check" button.

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